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Blog posts / T-Newsletter

T-Newsletter #10, July 2013

T-Newsletter #10, July 2013

At T-Cycle, summer is a time for research and development. On these days we wait until a little after noon, when the sun is highest in the sky, and then we open the bay doors as far as they go and stare deeply into the sheets, bars, tubes and scraps of aluminum around the shop. We study the intricacies of the material and imagine what beautiful and practical applications lie within...
Casimir Covert-Keefe
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T-Newsletter #9, May 2013

T-Newsletter #9, May 2013

We cleaned the Mori! Holy moly, friends, you don't even know how revolutionary this is. You might be thinking: "Yeah, yeah, we get it, every year you have a totally awesome party for the OHPV HPC and you tidy up the gigantic and super awesome CNC milling machine, whoop-de-doo..." BUT HOW WRONG YOU ARE!
Casimir Covert-Keefe
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T-Newsletter #8, Memorial Day Weekend 2013

T-Newsletter #8, Memorial Day Weekend 2013

After hitting up the OHPV HPC at the PIR swing on by T-Cycle's New Shop at SE 57th and Center for the Open House after party! We'll have beers provided by Full Sail Brewing, plates of snacks and sodas and plenty of bike nuts looking to hatch their master plans to takeover the recumbent world.
Casimir Covert-Keefe
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T-Newsletter #7, April 2013

T-Newsletter #7, April 2013

Things are churning along at TerraCycle. The mill is hummin' and the flies are buzzin'! Here in the Pacific Northwest, the bright orb in the sky has people shopping for sandals that match their knit caps. If you haven't had a chance to get on your bike and out into the world, then what are you waiting for!?
Casimir Covert-Keefe
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T-Newsletter #6, March 2013

T-Newsletter #6, March 2013

Spring is springing! Let the lawns be strewn with treasures and with toaster ovens that don't pop up without a good smack. And let the roads swell with bike traffic! The T-Cycle Team is loving each slice of sun that we receive as the Pacific Northwest changes from the rainy season to the rainy-and-sometimes-sunny season.
Casimir Covert-Keefe
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T-Newsletter #5, February 2013

T-Newsletter #5, February 2013

My friends! It's happened! IT'S ALIIIIIIIIIVE!
Casimir Covert-Keefe
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T-Newsletter #4, January 2013

T-Newsletter #4, January 2013

Though the Mayan calendar may have ended, the TerraCycle one feels like it's just beginning.
Casimir Covert-Keefe
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T-Newsletter #3, December 2012

T-Newsletter #3, December 2012

Who'd've thought moving hundreds of thousands of dollars of primo bike parts would be such hard work?
Casimir Covert-Keefe
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T-Newsletter #2, November 2012

T-Newsletter #2, November 2012

Another day, another development; another month, another miracle; another time, another thing; it's the T-Cycle way!
Casimir Covert-Keefe
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T-Newsletter #1, October 2012

T-Newsletter #1, October 2012

Welcome to the first T-Cycle Newsletter of the brand new website! Boy, time has flown by, hasn't it? Rest assured, we're still local folks, working hard and dedicating ourselves to making the best parts for your recumbent that you can find.
Casimir Covert-Keefe
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